Lowest functional frequency.
It would be greatly appreciated if the writer could advise at what frequency this app no longer hears the fundamental and starts tuning to harmonics. I’m building an instrument and did the calculations to get it to sound to C at 65hz. this meant an air column of 133cm When I first started tuning it with a mouthpiece in place it was way out of tune according to the app. I had to cut 33cm off the tubing to get it to sound perfectly in C. A tube of that length meant that my assistant was reading the display. they saw C but not the frequency (262hz) When I was finished I had a perfect fundamental in F at 87 hz……. nowhere near C! Closed plain bore instruments sound a fundamental and then the odd harmonics e.g. 3,5,7. The tuner was missing the fundamental entirely, and showing only the third harmonic which is C at 261 hz (87hz x 3) Please make plain the minimum functional frequency at which the tuner works.