“Do you even need apps? Go touch grass weirdo” - Babushka Dev Team
The app is great if you want to do anything other than what it was created for. I’m keeping it on my phone just to check every year if they finally made it running (it’s my ritual, weird I know, did this for a 6 years already). This app do nothing. But who even need apps nowadays, you can use the web(oh wait, you can’t do anything on the web to). You can’t create, track, login, basically do anything in the app. It seems like company implementing the “babushka” approach on all levels. Babushka devs still on figma prototype stages, let them move in their tempo, baby steps. You think contacting support and pointing out about the problems will do something? Wrong! Babushka motto in the DNA of the company, you will received in return rude response as if I came to their local branch, that what I call a brand consistency.