High quality exam questions in an inexcusably glitchy app
UWorld’s exam questions are second to none, let’s be clear about that. But when you spend $350 for a question bank, you would think the app be well-designed and functional. The constant need to sign in after leaving the app, selecting your question bank again, and going through an entire gauntlet to pick up where you left off is counterintuitive to an app designed for busy academics who cram questions on the go. Frequently, media that is part of a vignette will be inexplicably inaccessible: “An unexpected technical error while processing this request. Please try request again or contact support for assistance.” How about we just create an app that works, kind of like Rosh Review did? In fact, go ahead and download it and see how they made an app that just works, like, all the time. UWorld needs an app worthy of the best medical practice exams on the market.