Awesome Gauge of Guile Ability
I felt strongly that a more contemporary review was called for, since most are several years old. Yet for some reason posting of mine seems delayed. Originally posted 7/3/22, current edited version 7/5/2022. This app is an extremely effective and easy way to find out how gullible you are. To begin your personal gullibility assessment, simply download and try it. After you see that any potentially useful functions require a significant recurring fee, decide whether or not to pay. With this decision, you’ve clearly demonstrated gullibility or lack thereof. Congratulations! p.s.– If: your great aptitude at addressing guile needs no affirmation; you’re almost always agreeable, a bit naïve by nature, but avoid ancient nefarious apps; &/or you’re unwilling to contribute to the developers’ supplemental income scheme (which ensures profitable revenue stream by bare minimum investment in all aspects), just skip directly to ignoring & forgetting about this app forever. Congratulations to you also!