It’s not that good..
I mean, don’t get me wrong I LOVE felines but this game just idk didn’t express the feeling. I have tested literally HUNDREDS of mobile games; just like this one, and some were bad, most of them were good , but this one: eeesssh.. I would never say AMAZING 😑 😑 So, if your looking for a fun animal simulator game, i suggest you start off by crossing this one OFF THE LIST. It’s probably like.. below bad lol. But hey, if you DO wanna play this, I’m not stopping you. Go ahead and have fun your own way. I don’t mind at all. GAME SUGGESTIONS: 1. Roblox: Animal Simulator. ITS LITERALLY THE BESSTEST! You can choose whatever animal, without paying money, (well for certain animals you have to pay robux) But that’s like 7 legendary animals. You could also battle monsters such as: the lava monster, The dragon mixed with a giraffe, Rocky the giant crab and 10 others. There’s RP Mode (role play mode) which I recommend, but if you are challenging and upbeat, you can switch the mode to PVP Mode. Where you can battle at no limits, collect weapons and mark your territories, and BEST OF ALL: It’s multiplayer! You can call yourself names, collect eggs for better animals, and you never start off as something dumb, you can choose as the swiftest horse, or the mighty eagle! Well, im getting tired. I RLLY HOPED THIS HELPED BYEEE