Protection cards unclear
I have used this deck before on colette sites for at least 3 years , love it and bought it recently. I am not sure when cards are in protection in the app. They are stated clearly on her website. Initially when I pull a card it comes out upright but when I go to check my saved readings I see it in protection. Can someone explain to me please. The cards are beautiful but improvements can be made in-terms of being able to type out fully what the question was asked instead of having to save short sentences over and over again or even better space to write down all your thoughts. This is not just collets app but all the apps I have from Hayhouse have the same issue even discontinued after I bought them and lost everything that was saved with no access. It would be best if this can be added so that our thoughts are all in one place rather than having to save things in notes or somewhere else and better clarity of protection cards.