Personal finance in a transparent and straightforward way. Worthy allows you to keep track of your net worth and accounts, generate income and expense report by category and period. Worthy's minimalist theme and main focus is to make money tracking easy and clear.
App features:
・Use 3 accounts and groups with free edition / Unlimited with Pro edition in-app purchase
・Add initial account balances and date
・Group accounts and re-order groups
・Track income, expense and transfer transactions
・Adjust account balance to a certain date
・Add, remove and merge categories
・Generate income and expense report for a custom time period
・Add currencies of choice and add exchange rates
・Reporting currency conversion with by-date rate calculation
・Accurate per-transaction currency conversion for transfers
Please provide feature requests or any issues you may encounter at
[email protected] or at our support URL. We are committed not to be interfering with your app usage, so if you find Worthy worthy, consider reviewing it on the App Store – it helps a lot.