It feels like something is missing
I don’t know if it’s a new update or if it has always been this way, but it’s like the screen size is wrong or something, zoomed in and possibly missing what might be out if frame. Running all the time in a heavy space suit is weird and unrealistic. Also, if you need the suit, why no helmet? The game starts on the ship and you have to get off the ship. Ok, but you can actually roam around the ship a bit, just not open any doors. Then you pass presumably the rest of the crew as you leave the ship, but they are still and you can’t really see them clearly. The text is a lot of run-on sentences with most of the articles (a, an, the) missing and a weird mix of formal and informal speech with oddly timed and therefore surprising profanity as well as phrases substituted for a similar phrase that would have been more appropriate. For example, “what’s going on” means “what is happening” as in a current status update. I think that’s what was intended. “What’s going around” which is what was stated instead refers to what is circulating or being passed from person to person, as in gossip or a virus. In summary, there was enough bad phrasing and strange graphics to be distracting, and I was not patient enough to continue the game after I got off the ship.