This is all about who has more money to spend.
This is not a competition of talent This is a competition of money (hints the PAY TO VOTE) You submitting to this competition seems almost legit. Until you do the competition and realize they have 3 famous judges on the final showcase with hundreds of thousands of followers but you, gods music Inc only has like 2-3k followers? Most of which are artists and so when they share your content your only getting like 10-20 views.. not to mention you will not get votes from anyone outside your family friends or church family. You will not receive any votes from outside help like they make it seem. Because everyone thinks it is sketchy to pay to vote and honestly it is. It will all be solely on you and your family and friends and church supporters. People who don’t know you will not pay to vote I don’t care how good you are it’s just the truth. And for those of you who think I’m just a sore loser, leaving a negative review it’s the opposite. I don’t want good people to drop thousands of dollars to realize what I realized in the end. You are doing this for the right intentions but it’s not about who is the best artist. They won’t even show you the judges scores. They literally told me that it was to protect the judges and to protect the other artist feelings is why it’s not shared. This whole thing is rigged I’m telling you from my experience. The only reason to not share how the judges voted is so they can pick the top 5 people who spent the most money in the semifinal round instead of the top 5 most talented artist. Facts not assumption. If not then PROVE IT I made it to the semi final round and was about to put another 5k in votes and decided to walk away and not do that because I just had a bad feeling about them not releasing the judges scores and keeping things secret at the end and I was glad I did because $5k in votes in the 3rd round was no where near enough money to make it to the final round. You had to have like $11 k or more to even have a shot just in the third round because everyone’s votes disappear at the end of every round and it’s started over. Transparency was fine up until it came time to find out who may or may not go to the final round. They do that so people will put in more money. Call me crazy or not but I’m telling you don’t do this competition learn from others mistakes. market your music elsewhere this is a waste of time and money and shame on this entire company for the extortion of good hearted Christian artists. Take my advice