I bought this after 3 BCBA supervisors recommended it to me as one the best - if not the best - ABA study apps. I love the simplicity and accessibility of this app, and its repetition and definition drilling seem on par with some of the other study programs out there that cost hundreds of dollars more. That being said, it’s not as robust as those other programs and could use a deep cleaning to correct spelling errors and clarify questions. As an example, I’m working through C-2 right now and the program seems confused about whether or not permanent product is a direct or indirect measure of behavior. Due to the repeatability of the question format, permanent product is one of the given answers in almost all of the questions, but it’s only the “correct” answer to 2 or 3 of those questions - even though it could be one of the correct answers for at least 2 of the other questions. One of the strengths of this app is that it’s supposed to simulate the BCBA Exam’s nuanced “which is the MORE RIGHT answer?” approach. In some sections though, it fails to provide that nuanced distinction, or at the very least explain to the tester why one answer is better than another. I harp on this because it’s probably the most important aspect of these study resources and something I’m finding frustrating as a consumer - I want to know why I’m wrong, but the solutions you’re giving me say I’m right! I hope this app is still being cared for and will continue to improve with time so ABA students may have an affordable and stress-free resource to study for their exams.