Remember when you used to browse the App Store regularly because finding hidden gems was a regular occurrence? Remember when your App Library was growing daily because each app solved a problem for you and enhanced your life in a way that you had yet to imagine was possible? Remember the excitement you felt thinking of all the new opportunities that tech brought you? I remember those days. I miss those days. I built this app as my commitment to bringing back those days.
There a hundreds of workout trackers on the App Store. Hundreds of workout planners and meal planners. All of them providing the same functionality in the same way - none of them daring to be different, daring to do something more. AI Fitness is trying a new approach. This a workout planner, a meal planner and a workout tracker. Three key features whose sole raison d'être is to help you achieve your fitness goals.
The Workout Planner
What's your goal? Is it a general one, like a broad desire to get in better shape? Or is it specific, like wanting to lose 5% body fat in 4 weeks to look good for your vacation? The beauty of AI Fitness is that your goal can be as general or specific as your imagination allows and the app will provide you with a tailor made workout plan. The more information you provide the app with, the more accurate and detailed the plan can be. And this accuracy only improves with time and usage. This app isn't a personal trainer but it might just be the next best thing. Input your fitness goal, your available equipment, additional information like any injuries or health conditions you may have, and the app will work its magic. You'll have a tailor made workout plan in seconds.
The Meal Planner
Maybe you know exactly what to eat to help you achieve your fitness goals, or maybe you don't. In any case, how much time do you want to spend thinking about it every day? How much time do you want to spend adjusting meals that other apps or websites recommend just so they cater to you specifically? With AI Fitness you can get a full day's meal recommendations at the touch of a button. Another touch and you can export a shopping list of ingredients. The app stores your preferences, including any intolerances and allergies, consults your planned activities and your workout history, and tailors its recommendations for you specifically. No two users will get the exact same suggestions, because no two people are the same. The app is personalized to you, because that's what you need.
The Workout Tracker
Are you already tracking your workouts? If you're not, you should be. The best way to improve is to monitor your progress and adjust your workouts accordingly. AI Fitness allows you to do that. Start workouts created by the Workout Planner and track them in the app. Your workouts are synced to HealthKit so you can close your rings and view your progress in the Health app, along with data from other apps. Once you've tracked workouts, you can view your progress in various charts, detailing key metrics like estimated one rep max, total volume lifted, and total workout duration to name a few. There are also charts for each individual exercise so you focus specifically on the areas you want to improve.
Other Features
The list is constantly growing (especially with your support) but here are a few of the key ones:
- Measurement tracking
- 500+ exercises
- Control Centre widget
- Workout & routine export
- Light / dark mode
So that's it. That's my pitch to you, my invitation for us to take this journey together - you towards achieving your fitness goals and me supporting you in that by striving to make sure that AI Fitness is the best possible fitness app; an app worthy of your daily usage, an app that takes you back to those days when the prospect of what new apps could do for you would fill you with excitement and not with dread.
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