Helo ddewiniaid geiriau! Paratowch am antur anhygoel â geiriau gyda’n ap hudolus newydd sbon – “Anagramau!”
Os ydych chi’n caru llythrennau, posau, a chael sbort a sbri wrth ddysgu, bydd “Anagramau” yn eich troi’n ddewin geiriau ymhen dim!
Ewch ar daith i fyd cyffrous yr anagramau. Bydd angen i chi ateb cwestiynau, ond mae llythrennau’r atebion yn frith draphlith! Eich tasg chi fydd rhoi trefn arnyn nhw a chanfod y gair cywir.
Ac mae mwy hefyd! Mae “Anagramau” yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wahanol lefelau, felly byddwch yn cael eich herio bob tro, dim ots os ydych yn ddechreuwr neu’n arbenigwr . Ac yn well fyth, mae’r cwestiynau ar lwyth o wahanol bynciau difyr fel Bwyd, Gwyliau, Hobïau, ac Amser Adref/Teulu, felly bydd y dysgu’n antur llawn hwyl!
Gallwch gystadlu â’ch ffrindiau ar ein sgorfwrdd, a gweld pwy fydd yn cyrraedd y brig ac yn cael eu coroni’n bencampwr yr anagramau!
Gyda dewis rhwng iaith gyntaf neu ail iaith mae ‘Anagramau’ yn addas i bawb, boed yn rhugl neu’n dechrau dysgu.
Ymunwch â ni ar daith i fod yn anagramwr anhygoel! Lawrlwythwch yr ap er mwyn agor y drws i fyd o lythrennedd a chyffro.
Hey there, young word wizards! Get ready for an exciting journey through the world of words with our magical app, "Anagramau"!
If you love playing with letters, solving puzzles, and having an absolute blast while learning, then “Anagramau” is your ticket to becoming a word wizard while having oodles of fun!
Step into the exciting realm of anagrams, where you'll encounter questions on screen, but here's the twist - the letters are all jumbled up! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to unscramble those letters and piece together the correct word.
But wait, there's more! “Anagramau” offers a variety of difficulty levels, from beginner to expert, so you can challenge yourself as you improve. What's even better? We've got captivating topics like Food, Holidays, Hobbies, and Family/Home Time, making learning a joyous adventure!
And here's the coolest part: you can compete with your friends on the leaderboard to determine who reigns supreme as the ultimate anagram champion!
But that's not all! “Anagramau” offers two language options: First and second language, making it perfect for both native speakers and learners.
Join the word revolution and become an anagrams master! Download now and unlock a world of literacy and excitement.
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