It’s OK😐
OK so I saw it and I was like oh that looks so good and then I saw some of the people who wrote reviews and I was like oh OK some people just think it’s not bad but it’s somethings are bad but I was like I guess I’ll try it and then I tried it. There was so much ads like literally I just got on it and there was already like five ads on the first one.I was so mad I was like OK I mean most games have a lot of ads cause people like posting their stuff. I was so mad but I was like OK I’ll try and steal because I didn’t really get into it that far so I was like OK I guess I’ll still try it so I kept doing it. I just got on my second dog and it was already like so bad there was so much ads so if I were you I would not get this app, but it is a really fun app. I just don’t want it so if you guys wanna get it OK go ahead I want to get it. Thank you for reading this😊😊😊😊