Taking the Kyo sprite from King of Fighters, this game looks polished in stills, but the minute you open the app, you quickly realise the atrociousness of the whole experience. The sprites move clumsily due to odd, somewhat unresponsive controls and lack of frames. None of the attacks (the buttons for which are all far too similar looking to be able to distinguish at a glance) land with any precision. There are no sound effects, so the game has no gravity or 'feel' (if you're a fighting game fan, you'll know what I mean). There's also an annoying ad banner in the top right of the screen that impedes on the onscreen 'action'. The music, however generic it may sound initially, is actually quite good. But, I have a feeling there is probably only one continual track, Which'll probably get very tedious very quickly. Much like the gameplay, hence my use of the word 'probably' as I couldn't play this for longer than a couple of minutes. Very lazy game indeed.