¥12活动,七天任务完成,已领取,现在是¥14/¥12,超¥12就能领,但是更本不给,而且说任务还没完成,我就纳闷了,还有什么任务?是不是得看上百个广告,然后后台直接清零。如果玩家想挣个几毛钱什么的,最好是玩段时间,然后卸载,再重装。反正红包挣个几千也提现不了。 This is bandwidth sucker, you will only earn ¥0.30 or ¥0.50 each time, which you will need to watch their ads double of what it said, let said ¥0.30 need to watch 20 ads, but actually you need to watch 40+ ads. Just double the number as it said. On their ads said not need to watch ads and do task, you will earn big money, but not, without watching their ads, they make not money. Each ads you watch you earned ¥0.0075, but how much they earned? Well that is their way of business, you can not blame, but their app is not as what they said. I just wonder why Apple allow them to put on the store.