Two avocados plus a tapeworm cooked in a biscuit make the best chair a cat could have
(Review on at the bottom but first let’s hear from my friend Karen) (No really at the end is an actual review) Chapter 1 Benjamin’s atrocities THIS GAME HAS MADE MY SONS MIND TURN INTO HAM!!1!1 I needed a tutor for my son Tommy, BUT BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL GAME I BOUGHT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO SERVE AS A TUTOR FOR HIM WAS ABISAMALLDMJD!! AFTER I BOUGHT TOMMY PLANTS VS GNOMES (Goblins) HE STARTED TO THINK ABRAHAM LINCOLN KILLED GOBLINS IN WIRLD WAR Z! I KNEW HIS MIND WAS STARTING TO DETERIORATE AFTER PLAYING THAT! Seeking advice due to Tommy’s mind becoming a void I seek Ed advice; my brother, Esophagus, said that he played this game and his son became historically accurate to the Great Depression. Now, He said he played it not his son, but my stupid brother was once worth more than the White House so I knew I had to pack my sandwiches 🥪 I bought this game for my presous Tommy BUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WAS SHOCKING! chapter 4 A shock to the brain, 🧠 gingerbread brain 🍪 When I got home Tommy was banging his head on the wall in my room. I sprayed Tommy with some acid I got at my teachers science lab (the one that burns stuff) and Tommy started to pay attention. You see he has eighty hds, and for a 56 year old that’s pretty impressive. I showed him the game and he made a noise that sounded happy but also like his cornea itched again. When I left to go get some gummy’s for my tummy I saw my house was in ruins… Chapter 72 A new breakfast 🥞 When I got back home THE ENTIRE HOUSE WAS DESTROYED! I realized I went to my dentists house and I turned left instead of right. Ohio is pretty tricky When I got back to my real house 🏡 Tommy was playing the game. Tommy started shapeshifting into plants and punched the mailman. He does not like mail. Tommy then threw my computer out the window! I took Tommy’s iPad -7 away and he started sobbing 😭 I then checked the iPad and saw these jello fellows attacking the orchids I bought yesterday I got so mad a threw it at Jeff Kinney Chapter 928 Tommy got out the machine phone and I knew I wasn’t going to make it out alive. Tommy started default dancing while I made my move “Six foots right.” I remember the old man saying. “If I don’t make it” I said to Harriet, “Sell the house to Jimbo!” Tommy attacked and struck my 5th foot located at N 73 W 38 S 82 E 47 Fin. The real review Ok now this is the real review lol. Ok so this is just another plants vs zombies ripoff. It’s like Plants vs Goblins but worse.