Slow speeds and has advertisements start screen
I have been using this app for over 2 years in mainland China and abroad. The speeds in mainland China are very inconsistent, when on China Mobile in Chengdu the speeds are rarely above 2 MB/s and when using China Telecom the speeds are much faster, anywhere between 20 Mb/s to 50 MB/s (megabytes/second). Aside from the horribly slow speeds on China Mobile, this app really frustrates me that every time I open it, there is a pre-roll advert for 5 seconds before you can use the app. I do not agree in putting adverts into the app of paying subscribers. I have been paying a monthly subscription fee for this app for over 2 years and I am a Super VIP 6 member but I still have to deal with ads every time I open this app. There is also many technical issues with using the app that fails to load images & thumbnails, and on desktop web browser it doesn’t support download resume so large files can sometimes take days to download if your using China Mobile and the download fails many times. I am going to cancel this subscription once I can move my files off this service. For 2 years I believe that I have given this personal Cloud service a fair try, but it hasn’t improved, actually it only got worse during this time.