Best Radio station in USA
Beasley is a great company! I believe, so I even bought stock. Love the format, Wild Bunch Morning show, 18th caller contests, fantastic top hit selection, employees, how giving and helpful they are to community, love the holiday toy drive, I could go on and on!! My fantastic son turned me on to them when he was 8. I’ll never forget calling Big Mama and asking if Johnny and his friend could join him and B103.9 for the Friday night party he was having at a Ft. Myers arcade! We had the time of our lives T shirts prizes games all on his real 9th birthday! Being a single mom with no family but him it really meant the world!! LOVE IT ALL 😍👍 Your # 1 FAN !! Can’t wait to receive my Brazilian Bum Bum package! Just went to Brazil with Johnny in July🤣🤣 I have B103.9 on 24/7 ! Don’t mess with my radio! Love u all ❤️🥰 Karalynn