Add volcano Castle rain sand storm and lava and black fog and fog….
Please please add all of this please a volcano a castle a black fog fog rain sand storm lava And I like this 2nd update! I love how you add snow to the game is so much cool and I know the world is bigger now but even more times bigger like the size of the earth and a Mini map and sky islands and Depths and a police train and a police car and a divine beast like a 🐫 and a 🐘 and a 🦜 and 🦎 and 3 of them will be moving around in a circle and the 🐘 Set in one spot and then 3 dragons fire dragon and a snow dragon and a Electric dragon and can the 3 dragons not have wings? Just a 6 feet for all three dragons next month on the first day of next month please?????????????????????????? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. edit: can I have permission to make a brio world? and you guys might have your game under copyright so if is okay with you developers can I add some of your stuff into my own brio world game? and also if you guys let me make a brio world game and can you give me some tips for making a game please?! And good job on your brio world game you and you guys are amazing with what you’ve done for years in brio world…!!! And good luck for the future updates on the brio world! Keep up the good work guys and keep making people proud of your work guys and please make updates for years and years to come and I can’t say that this game is the best game ever made in the world! All keep giving you guys 5 stars for years!