Great, could be better
I used ExpoDev on a Palm, but it’s really nice to be able to use it on my iPhone and iPad. Given how nice it is, it would be even nicer if Plotter were integrated into the app for use on an iPad. This would require a lot of work, but it would simplify things. If it were designed well, with integrated Plotter, it would be an excellent way for people to learn about BTZS(I know I’m dreaming.) I bet Phil would like such a creation. As it is now, even with a good film testing service available, I can imagine only BTZS veterans using it. The input method for EV seems clumsy, I can’t help but feel scrolling is the way to go. For Mac users: Plotter for Windows works great using Wineskin. No need for Windows. All this being said, it is a great app that does what I need it to do. In this age of high priced film, it is worth learning BTZS, doing the film and paper tests and buying this app.