Calculator & AI Math Solver, the only app you'll ever need for all your calculations and math problems! We've combined elegance, simplicity, and the power of AI to deliver an unparalleled calculator experience.
It provides all the scientific functions you need. Roots, powers, factorials, exponentials, divisions, and logarithms are supported. This includes trigonometric functions like sin, cos, tan, arc, and more.
Do basic calculations, completing homework or assignments, or studying for exams, it's like having your very own private math tutor in the palm of your hand! Make math and problem-solving easy with our AI-powered math solver.
.: #1 Calculator & AI Math Solver :.
• Capture math problems to get instant solutions and step-by-step explanations from the AI math tutor.
• Solve any math problem by taking a photo.
• Draw math equations and receive step-by-step solutions and explanations from your AI math tutor.
• Get expert assistance on math homework assignments from the AI Math Tutor.
• Enhance your skills with brain training and tailored math courses for both students and pros.
• Ask any math question to your private AI Math Tutor and get an answer instantly.
• Basic & Scientific Calculator
• Calculate with a continuous history
• Currency Converter with real-time data
• Keep track of all your previous calculations with the History feature.
• Export a PDF of your past calculations.
Note: The free version may have limitations.
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