Finally, A Calculator as Good as My Android One!
The Calculator HD Pro has a good history function and has a scientific calculator option. You can also change to one of several color schemes. Most importantly, it also has the three features that I look for in a calculator, and they are remarkably hard to find in Apple Store calculators: 1) when I hit the equal sign repeatedly, it repeats your last function. For example, if I enter 10 + 12 and then hit = repeatedly, the calculator will continue adding 12 to the sum every time I hit = 2) the ability to view and edit a function as you are entering it. For example, if I enter a function adding and multiplying 20 different numbers, and then I realize that I need to change + to * or add a parentheses, I don’t need to reenter the whole equation—I can edit! 3) you can recall a function from your history tab and edit it to tweak your equation! Big time-saver. I don’t love paying for apps since I’m a long-time android user, but if you use your calculator as much as I do, this app is worth it.