The best calculator ever created for iOS.
Yes, I’m serious. I do not take into account apps that tries to understand plain English, by converting written text to formulas, nor to dethrone a certain calc app — with an honorable history, spanning multiple decades and Apple platforms as well. The reason is I find that’s another league (advanced scientific tools) with a bigger price tag associated thwn with Calzy, the app I’d like to talk about now. I love Calzy so much and it continues to be updated so it keeps working on all my iPads and iPhones. And the developer is kind enough to resist from nagging me about paying a premium fee each and every month or year for something premium like iCloud syncing. Oh, yes. Take syncing as a prime feature for Calzy. Does iCloud syncing for all your calculations ever made on your iPhone and iPad too seem somewhat… overkill? Well, let me bring you the great news: it really isn’t! Labeling an expression (“249*12”, for instance) and its result will create a bookmark of sorts (a fitting label for our previous example may be something like “Cost of a dozen apps”). Make sure iCloud syncing is turned on. And you know what? Everything you’ve ever calculated will now be available on all your devices! @celebritarian [to tweet, toot, or write to me]