To the developers
This is a great app. I am in support of your product. Can you please add the feature that “beeps” when the opponent makes a move? It would be helpful to have a audible beep to tell me to move in case I am not looking at the board, or if I forget to see the led indicator. When the opponent makes a move, a beep will sound. It would be nice to control the duration of the beep. I would also like more control over the LED. Having the option to show the last made move with an illuminated LED would be useful. In addition, hi lighting the square the piece originally moved from would be nice as well. Example: white moves pawn to e4- now both theE2 and e4 LED’s are illuminated until black completes their turn. Please allow users to play their move before physically moving their opponents piece to a its new square. This would then allow us to not lose time on our turn moving an opponents piece. EXAMPLE: E7 and E5 LED’s are illuminated indicating lawn to E5. however, white is able to play their move immediately after seeing the E5 LED. Following whites completed turn, the user may now move the black pawn to E5, not wasting their own time on moving an opponents piece Maybe I am working or cooking not looking at the board l Thanks in advance for considering this feature. I look forward to the future of Chessnut and their relationship with their customers feedback