Drains Battery
There is no way to allow the app to go into autolock within the apps settings. Right now if we have Choiceworks open, our device does not go into sleep mode, which is draining our battery pretty significantly. I spoke with Apple and there isn't anything we can do on our side the app setting overrides the general iPad settings. When I reached out to the developer regarding this setting they believe it is a visual schedule and should always be in view for the user and would only look into addressing it if they received volumes of concern. When utilizing digital supports battery life should always be considered. These are a lot of individuals lifeline. If they removed this override setting from the app, individual users could adjust and choose their own setting for auto lock features, like TouchChat and other digitalsupports allow. Its upsetting that Choiceworks does not see this as an issue to be addressed in their app. Unfortunately, I cannot utilize this app and all its great qualities because it will drain the device that usually holds a charge for days within hours.