ITS NOT LETING ME MOVE AGAIN I WILL DELETE THIS NOW WHEN I GOT IT TODAY THIS DEVELOPER SHOLUD SHUT DOWN WITH THIS GAME WORST GAME IN HISTORY IN MY LIFE WHO EVER HAS THIS GAME CHANGE ALL UR REVIEWS AND RATING INTO 0 STARS THAT ONE WHO SAID wont let me move was RIGHT MAKE A POKÉMON VERSION IF YOU WANT LIKE YOU COLUD P,AY AS YOUR FAVROITE POKÉMON MY FAVROTIE IS PIKACHU AND EEVEE CHANGE IT PLEASE AND guy’s if the developer makes the Pokémon game version download it if you like Pokémon ok? THANK YOU once I saw this ghost Detector app app but my mom told me ghosts are not real so it was fake so don’t download it ether just shows fake ghost stuff and ghosts that look creepy 😳 sorry for the long review bye and also I deleted this game till you make Pokémon version ok and not amazing make1 star on here 1 star if it dose not work on your phone or tablet and I’m 6 so I think I’m not really need to write this review but I wanted to and developer if you DON’T MAKE POKÉMON VERSION I HATE THIS GAME FOREVER ♾