Dartle.io's iBeacon Locator helps you find nearby bluetooth beacons for a broad range of different manufacturers. The app provides you with real-time information about the proximity, major, minor and UUID when an iBeacon is found.
We currently support the following iBeacon manufacturers with their default UUID settings:
- Estimote
- Glimworm
- Kontakt.io
- Estimote iPhone app
- Bluecats
- Gelo
- Roximity
- Radius
- Bluebar
- Red bear
- Particle
- Gemtot
- Twocanoes
- Easibeacon
- Beaconinside
- Airlocatie
- Dartle iPhone app
## Your own iBeacon ##
If you are using an ibeacon that is not listed or when you are an ibeacon manufacturer yourself you can send us an email at:
[email protected]
## About Dartle.io ##
Dartle is a Dutch startup fascinated by the various uses iBeacons can bring to empower the world around us. With Dartle we strive to make a simple yet powerful platform to manage your iBeacons. We spend time perfecting the management of iBeacons so you don't have to worry about creating a platform yourself.
If you would like to be one of the first few people to venture on our platform you can pre-register on our website, www.dartle.io, and we will send you an email when our platform is ready to be tested.
Bluetooth Low Energy (v4.0) is required to use this app.