Hidden tag for decorating
I love this game, not a single complaint except for that I have been unable to continue decorating area 30 due to the third tag is blocked by the upper left corner banner showing how many decorations complete/how many decorations left (currently i am 2/18) and until this decoration is done I cannot proceed with decorating, I have tried many ways to try to hit the tag to no avail, I am very disappointed not knowing what to do about this, accumulating hammers and other items and just playing the game without decorating defeats the purpose and I really hope you can help me with suggestions or more importantly, directly fix this issue, I can’t be the only one who is experiencing this issue, please help! I want to give the mostly deserved 5 stars, but only after I am able to get back to enjoying the game for all the things it offers, don’t let this minor issues become a major problem and eventually a total disappointment please do your due diligence and get me back to decorating and happiness!