Best dual camera app
I have tested every dual camera app I can find and almost all of them lack the features I need. The main features I require are - a nice easy to use GUI - frames for the 2nd camera - resizable 2nd camera frame - reposition-able 2nd camera frame - a 1 time fee to unlock all features and be ad-free This app provides all my needed features except the 1 time fee to own. Currently I am trying the 7 day trial with yearly fee of $2 a month. I would love to see a 1-time buy fee option for lifetime ownership....please! 1 other feature I would love to see added is the ability to have photos and videos auto-saved to my camera as a setting. Currently you must manually save each recording when finished. If this feature is ever added it would be really cool to also be able to define a photo album to have the recordings auto saved to!