It’s Actually A Good App
No, I’m not getting paid to say this or held against my will. Seems like other people may not like it very much but I do. It’s simple, it works, it’s all there. I hate having to google literally everything and get many different answers that lead me into the wrong direction. I looks up a few fish that I already knew and this app is pretty dead on. It gives you facts and history about the fish that you look up. I’m big into fishing and pretty new to it too. When I need to know what a fish looks like so that way I can legally harvest it, this app gives a clear image, description and fact sheet about the fish so that way I’m 100 percent sure I won’t get flagged down by DCNR. I like learning about fish species too. I find it enjoyable studying and learning new information in the easiest of ways. $3 really isn’t a lot when there is a lot to behold within this app. Sure you can look at Wikipedia for free but everything is already right here and easy to use instead of having to look up every individual species and sub species of fish.