Bug report 2.0.2
In Rel 2.0.2 there are many issues with the reports section: 1. On the overview, there is no chart of the different streams anymore. You cant visually see, how much energy was produced and how much was consumed over the day. 2. On the production section you cant see a value of the produced and sold energy 3. On the load section you cant see a numeric value of the sum of the day; also the separation of production and taken from grid is missing In the Home section there is now the possibility to display the cost of a purchase. However it would make (more) sense to display also the saved costs (by multiplying the purchase cost times the household consumption via autarky) and the selling profit (by multiplying the feed-in by the compensation costs. Compensation results must of course be defined on plant level as this can differ for different regions and different installation dates (at least here in Germany) The leave a message function in the app is not working for me. The system returns a submission failure