My opponent seems to know what’s in my hand.
I like this Eucher game App much better than the others I’ve tried. The level 6 play isn’t bad. But, I’ve accidentally uncovered what seems to be a, hopefully, unintended sharing of information to my opponent. I was the dealer and making trump passed to me. After accepting I had 3 trump, king and 10 of clubs and the ace of spades. I discarded the ace to make myself 2 suited. The player to my left lead a club and his partner trumped in to take the hand. Out of curiosity I replayed the hand and discarded the 10 of clubs instead. This time the left player lead a queen of diamonds instead of the club. How can what I discard affect the player to my left’s lead? Update: Did you ever want to change to a smarter partner? In a recent hand North made hearts Trump by accepting the right bower. This, it turns out, was the only heart in its hand on top of being 4 suited without a single ace. My grandfather would have never played with me again if I did something this stupid. Update 11/23/2024: After not using this app for quite a while I recently played this game again. It hasn’t gotten better. I’ve had multiple instances of my brain-dead partner trumping a hand I had already won. Again, grandpa would not have approved.