All-in-one dream!
I wasn’t even looking for an app to track my whole hobby farm, just my rabbitry records, but this popped up and I was intrigued. It has so many features I’ve wanted in a farm app, and others I never even thought of. I’ve only been using it a few days and I’m already transferring my rabbit records from the other app because despite not having a few of the features of the other one, FarmKeep is far superior. My only real “complaints” right now are in regards to the selling of livestock, the deaths/processing of livestock, and all the babies/for sale being in with permanent adult livestock. I would like to have the option on the individual animal’s page to be able to notate a date obtained and a date sold, processed, or died. In addition to this, when selling livestock in the finance section there is no way to notate a specific animal that was sold. This would be incredibly helpful. I realize I can do these things manually by archiving said animal and writing it in but when processing a batch of meat animals this will get tedious. And for sales, having their name/id number attached to a specific sale would be helpful for customer records. In regards to the babies and livestock for sale, it would be nice to have another toggle option for each to make them visible or not in the master list. It would also be nice to be able to collapse down animal species groups because while my rabbits I would likely have open all the time, in off season I’d like to be able to collapse my geese list. Thank you for a great app overall.