Beautiful aesthetics
I have lots of Rápalas and other hard baits it is nice to catalog them. Plus this app gives you the ability to track your catches with each lure. - I love that. It is also very pleasing to the eyes and easy to scroll and see your pics. I can tell that this app is mostly designed for the Bass fishing guys. I am mostly a trout, Kokanee, crappie and wiper guy and do lots of trolling. I wish that there was a way to input diving depth of each hard bait with a way to sort that data. I did find a way to do that with this app by inputing the depth before the brand name. I love that if you loose your data it is backed up thru this app. I lost my last catalog of lures when my phone got the green screen of death after a storm at Lake Powell. I would give this 5 stars if I could ADD and DELETE fish species. Also I would like to ADD or DELETE types of tackle. e.g., I would like to catalog my dodgers and flashers, and hoochies. Over all well designed app. Good job.