Game glitched?🤔
Message to creator: Some of the levels I’ve been stuck on the enemies change to the merge before what they were. For example, on level 310 the blue ringed red single-shot cannon changed to the red-ringed red double shot cannon. I don’t know if that is a glitch or something to make the level easier. But otherwise I love this game and I play all the time so I recommend it for anyone who wants a game that is fun but also quick enough if you don’t have a lot of time. Oh and it’s got a lot of levels that take like a billion tries just to take the last opponent out just to lose again because the enemy took you out a nanosecond before you took them out. That’s just another annoying thing about the game. But now I’m trying to get past level 439 because I battled the opponent like a hundred times. Developer’s Response: Thank you for your concern about our game. We will try to resolve your complaint and update our game as soon as possible and we will update it accordingly as you said in your message to us. Thank you.