A math app to have...
Fractions + is an amazingly engaging app that truly makes learning math fun. Teaching fractions are such an abstract concept to many children but this app starts from the most basic concepts and makes learning fractional parts into a lovely game. The game is fast paced and fun so children were concentrating and waiting for their chance to put everything into order and make the pieces disappear every time they got a fractional match right. My favorite part is that each level is a progression a child is building and reviewing what they know, while learning what comes next. It is wonderful! I love that this app includes picture representation of fractions, numerical representations and that you can use the metric or standard system, which was a nice inclusion. Overall, I like that this app can be a wonderful guide to teaching children how to identify, locate and match fractions. There are so many levels within the app. The children were going past twenty and still more to go! Plenty done and more to do, this app will not disappoint.