Good idea, bad execution!!
Range of motion was difficult to measure, as the digital goniometer doesn't automatically adjust for flexion or extension movements, so you have to keep switching the setting from clockwise to counterclockwise, which is on a separate screen; if you don't do this correctly, you get some meaningless angles like total ROM: 358.9! Each measurement creates an automatic log, but there is no way to edit/delete incorrect entries, add patient information such as name, file number or date of birth, or create folders according to patient or date. The app allows you to add joint characteristics to each ROM by mix-and-match three columns (side: joint: plane of movement) but is cumbersome when being done repeatedly after each measure because of all the variables that must be scrolled through (ie. right vs left; cervical, thoracic, lumbar, shoulder, elbow, wrist, pelvic, hip, knee, ankle, MCP, IP, PIP, DIP; flexion, extension, rotation, side bending, abduction, adduction, horizontal abduction, horizontal adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, caption, supination, pronation, ulnar deviation, radial deviation, medial rotation, lateral rotation, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion). But if you don't do this, all you get is a table of joint angles sorted by time of measurement, with no clinically relevant data. I can't see myself using this App in my practice, as it is much slower and cumbersome that a manual goniometer and chart notations.