Never Subscribing
Let's get straight to the point - I don't need any social features. I simply take photos occasionally, and for me, a product like Classic meets my needs perfectly. It's straightforward and easy to understand, with much better UI/UX than X. Here's some additional information: I have never subscribed since X was launched. However, I have purchased Classic a few times for my favorite film presets. I suggest keeping Classic updated at least every six months. There are currently many bugs, but it gives me the motivation to continue supporting you. If one day Classic stops functioning properly, that will be the day I bid farewell. Furthermore, subscription models have become popular, and every app wants a piece of the pie. Unfortunately, there are too many monthly subscriptions, and the costs add up. As a result, the idea of subscribing to a filter app like yours always ends up at the bottom of my list, or I don't consider it at all. However, I am okay with purchasing film presets that align with my personal preferences, like Classic. After all, not every film preset can capture my heart:P