Fine, but missing Forgotten Weapons content
I’m a big Forgotten Weapons fan, and moved my subscription to this app from Floatplane to support Ian directly and also because I was curious about the other content makers. The others are a bit hit and miss for me (like Bloke on the Range and Royal Armouries, not really interested in Cap and Ball or British Muzzle Loaders). Would be amazing if they got C&Rsenal, who I know Ian has worked with before, to sign up. My big issue, however, is that the app does not feature all of the FW content which is on YouTube and the other paid channels, and even those videos which it does feature often seem to turn up days later. At first I thought this might be me so I raised a support ticket (no response more than a week later), but it’s a continuing issue. I really resent paying and not getting content which I then have to watch the YouTube ads to see. In fairness the app works well, so no complaints there. If you are interested I’d suggest taking a month’s subscription and seeing if the nonFW content is sufficient to justify the price for you. Personally I’ll be moving back to Floatplane, and subscribing to the couple of other channels I like on YouTube for when I’m in the mood.