New American Standard Version (NASB Bible)
The New American Standard Bible NASB app helps people to study, read, share, and listen to Bible verses.
Holy NASB Audio Bible is an English language translation of the Bible to understand God’s word easily. Use this NASB Study Bible anytime and anywhere to enlighten your mind. This New American Standard Bible Study gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping a mark on your readings, having instant access to any chapter, adding customized bookmarks, and much more.
# Uninterrupted Access: Enjoy uninterrupted access anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection.
# Verse of the day: Elevate your day with inspirational daily bible verses.
# Highlights and Notes: Personalize your Bible study by adding Highlights, bookmarks, and mark down Notes to capture your thoughts.
# Night mode: Effortless reading in low-light mode
# Customization Options: Adjustment of preferred font sizes and colors.
# Audio Bible: Immerse yourself in God's word through Audio features.
Share daily bible verses with your friends via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, email, & SMS. Enjoy your Bible journey!
Download the New American Standard Version Pro app now!
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