Job & Intercultural App to access the EU Blue Card is a mobile App, which can be easily downloaded in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Greek and with an automatic translation of some informative sections in all languages. The App includes a section dedicated to information on the tool and its advantages with reference to the obligations to be respected, deadlines and renewals, etc... By clicking on the EU country concerned, it will be possible to access the section dedicated to the explanation of existing procedures for the issuance of the Blue Card, with information about authorities, offices, documents and links. Another section is devoted to vacancies, job proposals and job announcements, with a description of the professional profiles and qualifications, presented by registered companies/employers and/or by other bodies dealing with the work inclusion of migrants and/or employment services. This section allows migrants who created their account/profile on the app to apply for a job and includes additional services such as information and online advice about: language and administrative support to handle requests, recognitions of diplomas and qualifications, services, empowerment actions and psychological support, civic and language training webinars.
The App allows to implement the use of the EU migrant's Blue Card due to the difficulty employers and/or enterprises have in finding skilled workers for their companies on the local labour market. Furthermore, migrants/refugees must have legal entry, as foreseen by the EU Action Plan, since it allows the management of the migration flow in an inclusive way as well as the fulfillment of economic needs. In fact, the agreement provides for the completion of the reform of the EU Blue Card Directives and the Residence Permit for low-skilled migrants. App can be used both by employers, who will be able to use the Blue Card to find the labour force suited to production needs and third-country migrants, who will be able to find useful information in order to obtain legal entry into the EU, thereby avoiding illegal systems.
The design of a user-friendly EU tool for the target group is innovative, since it provides "mobile" information on the matching service needed for the migrant's employment, thereby guaranteeing the latter equal access to the services of the host country.
App is dedicated to migrants, enterprises and other stakeholders, such as job agencies, volunteers from local authorities and host centers, social and economic partners that will use the App to access the migrant's Blue Card, VET operators, working in guidance, training and employment services, who will be able to use an effective matching tool to facilitate migrants’ job placement.
The App is a tool to support dialogue with third countries for the management of legal entry into the EU and supports the reforms of the EU Blue Card Directives and the Residence Permit of low-skilled migrants.
Job&Intercultural App has been produced within the Erasmus+ Project Intercultural Lab for migrants’ inclusion INTERC.Lab - Project n. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033212.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Job&Intercultural App and INTERC.Lab Project don't represent a government entity.
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