The very best forSpeed, Security and Privacy!
The title pretty much says it all. Those are the three main reasons most people get a vpn in the first place. I’ve researched every vpn that I have been able to discover, personally had accounts with five other major vpn providers and talked to others about their experiences using this very important yet highly misunderstood service. It is amazing to me that most of us browse the internet with rose colored glasses, especially anyone under the age of 40 who grew up in the internet age. If you take one thing from this review it should be this: PEOPLE LIE. OK, maybe that is kinda harsh. How about this: people will say just about anything to sell a product. They often bend the truth. Just because you read it on the internet does NOT make it true. There are no internet police verifying the accuracy of ads and misrepresentations. I have found at least 10 vpn’s claiming to me the fastest,and at least as many to be the most secure or providing the highest levels of security. But dig a little and these claims are inevitably false. Only a few back up their words with actions. Jome more and better than any I have found. And no, I do not have shares in Jome. In this day of internet theft, government snooping into our private lives as well as the need to keep up with high speed internet service, only one can claim to be the number one provider of all three - Jome!