A Necessary Addition To Protect Your Eyes
I just tried this app today and I was shocked in a good way at how it worked! (The only issue I noticed was that unfortunately some websites still aren’t completely filtered out yet and contain photos from the original site. But I hope that will be fixed in future!) You’re able to use the google search engine and type whatever you need to search up and you’ll be able to find it. But the benefit of this app is that the pictures that would typically go along with the search results aren’t there. Instead, they are replaced by a kosher and clean image of the Beezrat HaShem logo! This is such a helpful feature because when one usually looks up something on the internet, many pictures of immodesty follow (such as immodest women and inappropriate pictures with searches you truly expect wouldn’t have them). So this app is great at letting you find content without harming your soul in the process!