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“Simple and practical!”“I love this app. The images are pretty and stylish paintings.”“The level-beating system is really a good design. It gives me motivation to learn!”“It’s a high quality app! Strongly recommended.”“It’s free but perfect!”--- Fun and Relaxing Learning Experience --- Let’s learn like playing games!Play cards, get experience points, beat the levels and collect new cards for free! This app adopts scientific methods, real-life teaching experience and game elements to raise your interests and enable you to learn effectively.--- Nice Pictures with Voice, Various Learning Modes --- Look at the beautiful cards, listen to the voice and try to speak! Learn vocabulary effectively in an enjoyable way! Various learning modes:・Detail Mode: Enjoy learning from the pretty paintings・Shuffle Mode: Help to memorize all the cards ・Quiz Mode: Examine your learning--- Absolutely FREE to Promote Levels --- More than 20 situations. Well classifying into different categories by situation. It allows you to learn step by step: ・Luggage, Airport, Train Station・Greetings, Basic Phrases, City・Transportation, Tourist Information Center, Museum・Hotel, Restaurant, Tableware・Food, Condiments, Tastes・Cafe, Market, Supermarket・Numbers, Shopping Mall, Boutique・Hospital, BodyWe encourage you to spend time to beat the levels and learn on the way (or pay to skip some levels if you prefer).--- 50 Languages Translated by Native Speakers ---Our international team loves promoting foreign languages and diverse cultures. Words and sentences are translated by native speakers. 50 Languages includes:English, American English, French, Spanish, Mexican Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Traditional Chinese, Cantonese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Arabic (Gulf), Egyptian Arabic, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Greek, Latin, Romanian, Hindi, Swahili, Bengali, Latvian, Albanian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Armenian, Afrikaans, Esperanto, Catalan, Tamil, Icelandic, Welsh, Haitian Creole…etc.--- Start Your Learning Adventure with the Best App Now! ---
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