Amazing. Don’t change.
I just want to thank the devs for this app first and foremost. It’s 100% free. No subscription payments needed, and works amazingly. Clean UI. This means a lot. T1Ds have it bad enough already by getting nickel and dimed at every turn to pay for extra things to simply stay alive. I really appreciate when something like this comes out because it’s tools like this that honestly improve our lives a little more. Thank you. If I may add one request if you find the ability to do so in the future — I’m not sure if it’s possible, but if you can have the app ping for updates more frequently so that the widget stays up to the date that would be wonderful. It is usually incorrect similar to Dexcom widget and requires a tap to update it in order to see your current glucose. Would love to see an “always on” option as well that can both display a notification on the lock screen as well as a constant glucose update in the island. Just some ideas. And if you do choose to require payment for future iterations of the app please consider a one-time payment rather than a subscription model.