Magic City Detective: Revenge by LynxMinx
Attention all gamers. I have a very important update. I heard from Oleg today. He assured me that Domini will continue to release HO games on all platforms. As long as it’s iOS that’s what counts. And now I have the upper hand as well. So it’s a chance to make some improvements! We need novelty and innovation. I am going to try my best here. This is the replacement series for Secret City. (Ameer is now a female called Ymir and there are merfolk and magical creatures). This game was enjoyable, although inventory usage was not very innovative. There were a couple of new tools so I know that some of the creative team can think outside the box. It was evident in the terrific mix of HO puzzles and mini-games. Quality assurance has actually improved quite a bit. If that department would just enhance the touchscreen sensitivity on the gameplay interface, we would have no issues acquiring or using inventory, or completing puzzles! I have written to the department head, so we will see. I was excited that the game setting was Venice. It’s a city I love, where I ate gelato, gambled at Lido, stayed at a very exclusive hotel, and fell on every bridge in Venice! I must hold the world record for that one, lol! The game had beautiful scenery and the storyline held my interest. My actual rating will be 4.5 stars. I deducted only one half star for touchscreen sensitivity and for the same boring inventory tools. Domini needs to look at my creative idea. It would open up a whole new avenue for them and boost revenues. Happy gaming, everyone!