Master Queue is a professional tool that helps you organize a queue. Doesn’t matter on what side of the queue you are, if waiting or managing it. This is the best option for any barbershop, restaurant or absolutely any business that has a client queue.
Now checking a queue, get in, get out, or interact with the guest/manager is as simple as a couple of clicks from the tranquility of home, car or any other place.
This is the first version of a big product that significantly improves your stay in a queue, helps you make better use of your time, and gives you more information about what is happening around you while you wait for your turn.
If you are on the manager's side, you will be able to have all the information about your guests, you will be communicated at all times.
See the functionality in details....
** As Guest **
Add a new queue to your queue list: The first and basic action as a guest is to add a new queue in which you are interested to get in. Get the Queue Id from the queue manager and introduce it in the application. After adding a queue you will be able to see how many people are part of that queue, you can decide if you want to go in or if it is better to wait and go in later on.
Get me in: This action allows you to be part of the queue, you will be positioned at the end of it, that means, you are in the last position until a new guest is coming. During this action you probably need to provide some information needed by the queue administrator. You can get inside a queue You can get inside a queue only one time.
Get me out: If you decide you don’t want to be part of the queue anymore you only need to click a button.
You can update any information requested by the queue manager anytime.
You will receive a notification from the queue manager when they need you to interact with you in some way.
** As Queue Manager (Business Owner) **
Create a new account: After introducing some basic data you will be able to complete the registration using a code you will receive by email.
Recover account: You can recover your account from any device where you can provide a new registration code that will be sent to the email provided at registration time.
Create a Queue: Just clicking a button you can create a new queue. You should provide the name if the queue (Ex: The Green Barbershop), address, queue message (Ex: “Ready to make you good looking” or “Sorry, we are having delays today...”) and a maximum of 4 questions that the client should respond (Ex: “Barber’s name” or in case of a restaurant could be “How many people”, “Do you need baby chair”, “Inside/Outside/Any”), you can decide if these questions are public to the whole queue or only for managing purposes.
Open a queue: After you open a queue, it is available for any guest to interact with it. Any client can get in or out, for example.
Edit a queue: You can update any information entered during the queue creation.
Close a queue: After you close a queue all the guests will be removed from the queue. All of the clients are going to receive a notification about this action.
Send notification to a client: Anytime you can send a notification to a client in order to let him/her knows you need his/her attention.
Remove a client: Once you think a client shouldn’t be in the queue, you can remove it with only a click.
** Manager / Guest link **
In order to participate/manage a queue, the queue manager should provide a Queue Id to the guest, as simple as that.
You can see all information about the queue in a screen list where you will be able to see the amount of people in the queue, some information about the clients in the queue, the times the client has been notified by the queue manager, and if you are a client, you will see very clear your position in the queue.
Our idea is to build the application according to your requirements, that’s why we appreciate your feedback, use this email to send us any information back:
[email protected].