This app was designed to be used with children who are deaf or hard of hearing for the development of receptive and expressive vocabulary. There are more than 600 high-quality colored photographs to utilize for teaching toddler, preschool, and early elementary vocabulary. These pictures include those, that through research and experience, the Moog Center has identified as the First 100, the Next 150, and the Following 300 vocabulary words. In addition, theme-based vocabulary also are included. A limited number of vocabulary pictures are available free and others can be acquired via in-app purchase.
User Instructions:
Log In Screen
First-time users will sign up for an account by selecting the “Sign up” link and then will log in.
Returning users will log in with the email address used to sign up and the password created. If a password is forgotten, it can be reset by selecting the “Forgot Password?” link.
After logging into the app, you will be on the Home Screen.
Home Screen (with Home Screen icon)
Select the number of pictures to be displayed on the Final Screen.
The choice of displaying one picture can be used for targeting expressive vocabulary. The selected pictures will be displayed one at a time and will be displayed randomly only once. After each picture has been displayed once, you automatically will be taken back to the Home Screen.
The choice of displaying two to four pictures can be used for targeting receptive vocabulary. The selected pictures will be displayed two, three, or four at a time, based on your choice, and will be displayed randomly an unlimited number of times. In order to go back to the Home Screen, you will need to select the “Home” button.
Upon selecting the picture group, you will be taken to the Select Picture Folder Screen automatically; or upon selecting the “Saved Lists” button, you will be taken to the Saved Lists Screen automatically.
Select Picture Folder Screen
Select the picture folder from which you want to choose the pictures to display. Pictures from any or all folders may be selected.
Select Picture Category Screen
Select the picture category from which you want to choose the pictures to display. Pictures from any or all categories may be selected.
Select Pictures Screen
Select all of the specific pictures you want to display on the Final Screen. You may choose as many or as few pictures as appropriate for a given child. The picture label/name will not appear when the pictures are displayed.
Selected pictures will be indicated by a check mark.
Saved Lists Screen
The saved lists will be shown.
On this screen, for a given list, you can edit a list, view a list, delete a list, or start targeting the words in a list.
Selecting the “Edit” button will take you back to the Select Picture Folder Screen. There, you can open a folder, which will take you to the Select Picture Category Screen from which you can select or deselect pictures for a given saved list. You may include as many or as few pictures from as many picture categories as you like in a given saved list.
Save Button
Use the “Save” button to save pictures as a specific list (e.g., the vocabulary being targeted for a certain child). Selecting the “Save” button will take you to the “Save List” pop-up where you can assign a specific name (e.g., Amy’s Words) to the list you would like to save. Saving a list or collection of pictures will take you to the Saved Lists Screen automatically.
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