myRPNcalculator REL_1_2_0
- Rebuild the entire application on the latest iOS and the latest tech stacks.
myRPNcalculator REL_1_1_4
- Implement and support light and dark iOS theme.
- Add flyoutmenu for user to choose different colors.
- It supports a few new colors below. They are available for both light and dark themes.
- default
- pink
- red
- orange
- green
- blue
- Make the memory value visible as the first display entry with name "m".
myRPNcalculator 1.0 Features
- Display top 6 entries of the current stack values.
- Math operations
* Sign: plus, minus.
* Constants: e, pi.
* Unary Operations: percent, sin, cos, tan, rad, asin, acos, atan, rad, deg, cubic, cubic root, square, square root, x-th power of e. x-th power of 10, x-th power of 2, ln, log base 10 or x, log base 2 of x, factorial of x, inversion of x.
* Binary Operations: division, multiplication, subtraction, addition, y-th power of x, y-th root of x.
- Stack operations: x-y swap, roll-up (x vault roll up), roll-down (x vault roll down), drop (drop x value from the stack).
- Entry operations: AC (All Clear), C (Clear entry), Backspace.
- Memory operations: mc (memory clear), m+ (add to memory), m- (subtract from the memory value), mr (memory recall).
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