A rare help.
As someone who has a SH addiction, it can be very hard to find helpful tools. Other “tracking” apps usually have a base option and then hidden fees that pop up like ads. These ads can make you feel uncomfortable with the fact that youre using an app for help with something that’s already hard to admit to. Just knowing some company benefits from your pain/ addiction is why I hated apps like this… When I found Nomo I was sure I’d relapse and needed a way to track my progress so that I could actually recover. I absolutely love this app. I love how easy it is. Simple and to the point. The clocks are great because they allow you to have multiple, have check ins (great for consistency) and even gives you rewards for time spent not acting on your addictions. Then there is the encourage section that allows you to type a short post to the others on the app. People respond, but it’s regulated (you can’t respond to comments) in a way that feels safe and secure. It’s great that it’s anonymous (or so you can choose) and doesn’t require any information. Eveyone shares, likes and builds eachother up. It’s a good community. Expecially because, its so diverse with people of many addictions and pains. There are also resources linked. One of my most favorite things about Nomo, is the mini “games” that are there to help. Bubble wrap! Bubbles, breathing activity’s, memory games. So easy and yet so affective to get your mind off of whatever. Just knowing too, that Nomo is a small owned app- with the bio of the creator explained, gives a way more comfortable feeling than any of the other apps like it. I hope with Nomo I can keep staying clean from SH. Every day counts! I really am thankful I found Nomo and will recommend it to everyone else I know who needs it. I think anyone who used Nomo agrees…. Five stars from me.